Phil Parker

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 28 June 2011

Groovy - Nix style 'tree'

A little groovy script I added to output a tree of files (see image, nix ‘tree’ on left, this script on right). Originally did it in a gradle script but decided to remove the gradle specific stuff (e.g. file()) so it can be used anywhere in groovy:

def printTree(path, lastFolderTrace){
  if (lastFolderTrace.empty)println path
  def files = new File(path).listFiles()
    lastFolderTrace.each{ printFolder ->
      print printFolder ? "    " : "|   "
    println  it == files.last()  ? "`-- $" : "|-- $"
    if ({
        printTree(it.path, lastFolderTrace +  (it == files.last()) )

It’s recursive and is invoked by:

printTree("/home/phil", [])
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